21Oct 2015
Intermediate Meetings
14:23 - By Vinicius Rodrigues Vieira
You find below the programs of conferences we prouldy organized with partner instituions inbetween the IPSA World Congresses of Political Science:
2015 (July)
Research Committee 51 (International Political Economy) Meeting
2-3 July, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, Germany
The meeting gathered RC members to plan our agenda for Istanbul's World Congress and ended with a public roundtable entitled "BIG - Brazil, India, and Germany and the Future of Global Governance: Prospects for Trilateral Cooperation". The roundtable was chaired by Laurence Whitehead (University of Oxford and RC51 Vice-Chair) and included Professor Lourdes Sola on Brazil (University of São Paulo and RC51 Chair); Professor Amrita Narlikar on India (President of GIGA), and Ralf Beste on Germany (Planning Staff FFO).
Professors Lourdes Sola and Laurence Whitehead, RC51 chair and vice-chair
- Read the full program here.
2015 (March)
The International Politics of Economic Globalization and Emerging Market Economies
19-20 March, Institute of International Relations, University of São Paulo (IRI-USP), Brazil
The event was also supported by the committee on Quality of Democracy (RC34) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)
Organizing and Scientific Committee:
President: Prof. Lourdes Sola (NUPPs-USP)
Members: Prof. Amancio Oliveira (IRI-USP); Prof. Helen Milner (Princeton University); Prof. Janina Onuki (IRI-USP); and Prof. José Álvaro Moisés (NUPPs-USP)
- Access the conference website;
- See the list of papers presented;
- Read the full program in PDF here.