2015 (July)

Research Committee 51 (International Political Economy) Meeting 

2-3 July, German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg, Germany

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The meeting gathered RC members to plan our agenda for Istanbul's World Congress and ended with a public roundtable entitled "BIG - Brazil, India, and Germany and the Future of Global Governance: Prospects for Trilateral Cooperation". The roundtable was chaired by Laurence Whitehead (University of Oxford and RC51 Vice-Chair) and included Professor Lourdes Sola on Brazil (University of São Paulo and RC51 Chair); Professor Amrita Narlikar on India (President of GIGA), and Ralf Beste on Germany (Planning Staff FFO).


Professors Lourdes Sola and Laurence Whitehead, RC51 chair and vice-chair

  • Read the full program here. 


2015 (March)

The International Politics of Economic Globalization and Emerging Market Economies 

19-20 March, Institute of International Relations, University of São Paulo (IRI-USP), Brazil


The event was also supported by the committee on Quality of Democracy (RC34) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA)

Organizing and Scientific Committee:

President: Prof. Lourdes Sola (NUPPs-USP)

Members: Prof. Amancio Oliveira (IRI-USP); Prof. Helen Milner (Princeton University); Prof. Janina Onuki (IRI-USP); and Prof. José Álvaro Moisés (NUPPs-USP)

The international conference was one of the key initiatives undertaken by experts in international political economy, under the aegis of a cooperative scientific program between the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Government, at Princeton University, on one hand , and on the other the University of São Paulo, represented by the Institute of International Relations - IRI, the Center for Public Policy Research – NUPPs, and the Institute of Advanced Studies - IEA. Participants were scholars from Brazil, the US and Europe, whose contribution to an essentially trans-disciplinary area such as international political economy is widely acknowledged, including political scientists, international relations experts and economists. The conference focused on the transformative processes engendered by globalization and its impact in the emerging countries. The Conference provided a thorough discussion about alternative frameworks to anchor a theoretically informed empirical research on the emerging market countries in the post-2008 scenario.