Beni Trojbicz (Getúlio Vargas Foundation)

The Brazilian Federative Dispute over Oil Royalties: a tentative approach. Presented at the Fiscal Federalism panel at IPSA 23rd World Congress of Political Science. Montreal, Canada. 2014.


Etel Solingen (University of California, Irvine)

Etel Solingen and Tanja Börzel. “The Politics of International Diffusion: A symposium.” Introduction to Special Presidential Issue, International Studies Review, Vol. 16 No.2 (June 2014).

Etel Solingen, “Domestic Coalitions, Internationalization, and War: Then and Now.”International Security Vol. 39, No. 1 (2014). Reprinted in Richard Rosecrance and Steven Miller, eds., The Next Great War? The Roots of World War I and the Risk of U.S.-China Conflict” (MIT Press, 2014). Included in e-reader MIT series, BATCHES. World War I: A Batch from International Security.


Gül Turan (Turkey-EU Association)

"Turkey, its Eastern and South Eastern Rims and Globalization". Paper presented at the 54th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 3-6 April, San Francisco, United States (search paper here—for ISA members only).


Helen Milner (Princeton University)

Introduction: The Global Economy, FDI, and the Regime for Investment. World Politics 66:1 (2014): 1-11.

Foreign Direct Investment and Institutional Diversity in Trade Agreements: Credibility, Commitment, and Economic Flows in the Developing World, 1971-2007 (Co-Authored with Tim Büthe). World Politics 66:1 (2014): 88-122.

Public Opinion and Foreign Aid: A Review Essay (Co-Authored with Dustin H. Tingley). International Interactions 39:3 (2013).

International Trade. In Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, and Beth A. Simmons, eds. Handbook of International Relations. 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications,  2013, pp. 720-745.

The Choice for Multilateralism: Foreign Aid and American Foreign Policy (Co-Authored with Dustin H. Tingley). Review of International Organizations, 8:3 (2013): 313-41.

Votes, Vetoes, and the Political Economy of International Trade Agreements (Co-Authored with Edward D. Mansfield). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2012

Preferential Trade Agreements in Hard Times (Co-Authored with Edward D. Mansfield). The Political Economist 9:2 (2012): 9-12.


Ilter Turan (Istanbul Bilgi University)

“Two Steps Forward and One Step Back: Turkey’s Democratic Transformation,” in Carmen Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yilmaz and Ana I. Planet, eds., Turkey’s Democratization Process (New York: Routledge, 2014), pp. 43-67.


Kathryn Hochstetler (University of Waterloo)

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2014. Edited special section of Global Policy on Development Banks of the Developing World. 5(3): 344-373.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2014. The Brazilian National Development Bank Goes International: Innovations and Limitations of BNDES’ Internationalization. Global Policy 5(3): 360-365.

Kathryn Hochstetler and Manjana Milkoreit. 2014. Emerging Powers in the Climate Change Negotiations: Shifting Identity Conceptions. Political Research Quarterly 67(1): 224-235.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2014. Latin America in Global Environmental Governance. In The Routledge Handbook of Latin America in the World, edited by J. Domínguez and A. Covarrubias Velasco. New York: Routledge.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2014. Reducing Poverty in Brazil: Finding Policy Space for Meeting Developmental Needs. In Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Spaces in Hard Economic Times, edited by D. Drache and L.A. Jacobs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 197-215.

Kathryn Hochstetler and Alfred P. Montero. 2013. The Renewed Developmental State: The National Development Bank and the Brazil Model. Journal of Development Studies 49(11): 1484-1499.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2013. South-South Trade and the Environment: A Brazilian Case Study. Global Environmental Politics 13(1): 30-48.

Kathryn Hochstetler and Eduardo Viola. 2012. Brazil and the Politics of Climate Change: Beyond the Global Commons. Environmental Politics 21(5): 753-771.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2012. Climate Rights and Obligations for Emerging States: The Cases of Brazil and South Africa. Social Research 79(4): 957-982.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2012. The G77, BASIC, and Global Climate Governance: A New Era in Multilateral Environmental Negotiations? Revista Brasileira de Relações Internacionais 55: 53-60.

Kathryn Hochstetler. 2012. Civil Society and the Regulatory State in the South – a Commentary. Regulation and Governance 6(3): 362-370.


Laurence Whitehead (University of Oxford)

(2013) "Democracy and the management of International Crisis". Paper presented at the 54th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 3-6 April, San Francisco, United States.

(2012) "Democratization After the Crash: Challenges for Global Democratic Deliberation". Paper presented at the 53th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 1-4 April, San Diego, United States


Leslie Armijo (Simon Fraser University)

The Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers: Shield and Sword in Asia and Latin America (ed. with Saori N. Katada). (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

“Theorizing the Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers,” (with Saori N. Katada). New Political Economy, 12:1, January 2014, pp. 42-62.

“The Systemic Financial Importance of Emerging Powers” (with Laurissa Muehlich and Daniel Tirone). Journal of Policy Modeling, 36, Supplement 1, 2014, pp. S67-S88.

“Equality and Regional Finance in the Americas,” Latin American Politics and Society, 55:4, Winter 2013, pp. 95-118.

“New Kids on the Block: Rising Multipolarity, More Financial Statecraft” and “The Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers: How, Why, and So What?” (both with Saori N. Katada), and “Brave New World? The Politics of International Finance in Brazil and India (with John Echeverri-Gent). In L.E. Armijo and S.N. Katada, eds., The Financial Statecraft of Emerging Powers: Shield and Sword in Asia and Latin America. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

“Absolute or Relative Gains? How Status Quo and Emerging Powers Conceptualize Global Finance” (with John Echeverri-Gent). In Thomas Oatley and William Winecoft, eds.Handbook of International Monetary Relations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014, pp. 144-165.

“The Emerging Powers and Global Governance: Why the BRICS Matter” (with Cynthia Roberts). In Robert Looney, ed. Handbook of Emerging Economies. New York: Routledge, 2014, pp. 503-524.

“Brazil as a Global Player.” In Peter Burnell, Victoria Randall, and Lise Rakner, eds. Politics in the Developing World, 4th ed. (London: Oxford University Press, 2014).


Lourdes Sola (University of São Paulo)

(2014) "This Time is different: the political economy of emergence and the changing dimensions (and patterns) of coalitional politics". Paper presented at the 55th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention
26-29 March, Toronto, Canada, and the 23rd World Congress of Political Science, Montreal, Canada.

(2013) "Global Dynamics and the matrix of state capacities: emerging market democracies in Latin America". Paper presented at the 54th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 3-6 April, San Francisco, United States (search paper here—for ISA members only).

(2012) "Perspectives on Global Financial and Monetary Reform: Does a Two Model Approach All". Paper presented at the 53th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, 1-4 April, San Diego, United States, and the 22nd World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain (search paper here—for ISA members only).


Maria Antonieta Del Tedesco Lins (University of São Paulo)

(2014) Brazil veering off track in election year, in Bulletin Global Insight on Official Monetary and Financial Institutions, Vol. 5 Ed. 5. London: Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum - OMFIF.


Matthew Taylor (American University)

“Brazil’s Ebbing Tide.” Current History, Special issue on Latin America, 113, 760 (February 2014): 57-63.

“The Open Question behind Brazil’s Rise on the World Stage.” Special Issue on the BRIC countries, International Affairs Forum, 4: 1 (August 2013), 55-58.


Sonia Draibe (State University of Campinas, Brazil)

Diverse Histories, Different Outcomes: Social Policy and Development in Latin America and East Asia (with Manuel Riesco)Conference paper. ISA. RC19.


Stephane Paquim (ENAP, Canada)

(2014) The External Relations of Local Governments. North America After NAFTA: Trends and Perspectives, avec Rafael Velazquez Flores et Earl H. Fry, Autonomous University of Baja California, 2014, 165 pages.

(2014) “Federalism and the Governance of international trade negotiations in Canada: comparing CUSFTA with CETA”. International Journal, 2013, vol.28, no.4 pp.545-552.

(2013) “Water Resource Management and North American Green Paradiplomacy: The Case of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River Basin”, avec Annie Cahloux, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, vol.19, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 308-322.

(2013) “Quebec and Ontario’s International Relations: Explaining the Differences”, dans Jean-François Savard et al. Québec-Ontario Relations: A Shared Destiny?, Montréal, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2013, pp. 229-258.

(2012) “Green Paradiplomacy in North America: Climate Change Regulation at Subnational Level: Successes and Limits of the NEG-ECP”, avec Annie Chaloux, dans Hans Bruyninckx, Sander Happaerts et Karoline Van den Brande (dir.), Taking Action for Sustainable Development. Subnational Policies and Multi-Level Interactions, London, Palgrave, 2012, pp. 245-263.


Vinícius Rodrigues Vieira (Getúlio Vargas Foundation and University of São Paulo)

“Legal Child, Step Child: Brazil’s and India’s Globalization Trajectories as Colonial Legacies” in Echoes of Empire: Memory, Identity and Colonial Legacies (edited by Kalypso Nicolaidis, Berny Sèbe, and Gabrielle Maas). London: IB Tauris, 2014.

Invisible Legacies: Brazil’s and South Korea’s Shift from ISI towards Export Strategies under Authoritarian Rule. Journal of International Relations and Development 17:2 (2014): 157-190.         

Is Politics Behind Trade? The Impact of International Trends and Diplomatic Action on Brazil’s Exports during Globalization. Bulletin of Latin American Research 33:2 (2014): 140–157.    

Public and Private: Change and Continuity in Economy through Two Meta-Fields in Society. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 27:1 (2014): 21–38.